Educator's Edition

Solutions was designed with educators in mind. Each solution card played requires students to actively engage with the solution, thinking critically and discussing it with their peers. Students will be having so much fun, they won’t realize they’re learning!

Solutions is more than just a game: it is a learning experience for your students. After playing, students can pick their favorite solution and turn it into a real-world project. Our sample curriculum will guide you through using the game in your classroom, or provide inspiration for crafting the experience as you see fit. The curriculum includes a lesson plan and sample projects to give your students a starting point. 

Solutions can be played by more than 8 players if needed. However, we recommend keeping games to 8 to encourage participation by all students. The sweet spot for engagement is 4-6 players.

We’ve designed a ‘Short Mode’ specifically for teachers with tight schedules and short classes. Alternatively, this lets you play multiple short games while mixing up the teams.

The discussions that different age groups have while playing Solutions vary in complexity, but the value in sparking discussions and creativity remains the same. We have successfully tested the game with elementary, high school, bachelor’s, master’s, and PhD students.

What educators are saying

“This is exactly the kind of tool that we need for climate education”


Boys & Girl’s Club, Nova Scotia, Canada


Elementary school playtest

Celebration – Swedish middle school

Swedish high-five

Swedish middle school discussion – NEED TO BLUR

High school argument


Food waste

The reveal…